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GTA IV PC Patch v1.0.1.0
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Author: Rockstar Games Download: GTA IV PC Patch v1.0.1.0 | Author: Rockstar Games
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Description: Changelog

* A fix to the crash after legal screen that some German customers were reporting.
* Numerous improvements to the video editor: Smarter naming of videos, improved rendering quality, better FX during replays
* Fix to bowling while using certain sensitive mice
* Fix for ATI 1900 shadows
* Overall savings to memory
* Graphic improvements to particle systems and mirrors
* Multiplayer character settings are preserved
* Support for DirectInput controllers. Note: The current hack way of supporting these controllers may not work with the improved functionality. So we recommend you remove the hack before upgrading to the patch.

Issues with power management software have also been fixed (slow speed, double speed issues). Even after the patch comes out setting power management software to maximum performance is recommended. We’ve seen cases where power management software does not detect the game is running and puts the CPU in green mode.

Besides the patch we’ve also improved the way the Social Club handles data this should have greatly reduced or eliminated the MMA10 error. If you are still receiving this error after logging in and out of Social Club we would like to know as much info as you can about it.

Make sure to grab the latest ATI and Nvidia GPU drivers.
Date: 13.12.2008
Filesize: 34173.921KB
Traffic: 359065387.947KB
Downloads: 10507
Rating: 5.5 / 10
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GTA IV: Niko lässt sichs gutgehen :D by HellyLoon
Niko lässt sichs gutgehen :D
by HellyLoon

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