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IV:MP 0.1 Beta 1 R2 2
:: Downloads ::
:: Multiplayer ::
Author: IV:MP IV:MP 0.1 Beta 1 R2 2
Description: Client:
- patch supported
-outgame serverbrowser was replaced with a ingame one
-chat now uses CEGUI
-overall improved synchronisation
-partial weapon sync

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IV:MP 0.1 Beta 1 Server Win32
:: Downloads ::
:: Multiplayer ::
Author: IV:MP IV:MP 0.1 Beta 1 Server Win32
Description: Server:
-increased limits
-identity system (mac adress, HDD serial)
-callbacks replaced with events
-many new scripting functions

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IV:MP 0.1 Beta 1 Server Linux
:: Downloads ::
:: Multiplayer ::
Author: IV:MP IV:MP 0.1 Beta 1 Server Linux
Description: Server:
-increased limits
-identity system (mac adress, HDD serial)
-callbacks replaced with events
-many new scripting functions

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IV:MP 0.1 Beta 1 Test 3 - Server Win32
:: Downloads ::
:: Multiplayer ::
Author: IV:MP IV:MP 0.1 Beta 1 Test 3 - Server Win32
Description: Server:
-increased limits
-identity system (mac adress, HDD serial)
-callbacks replaced with events
-many new scripting functions

>>> Go to Download <<<

IV:MP 0.1 Beta 1 Test 3 R2 - Client
:: Downloads ::
:: Multiplayer ::
Author: IV:MP IV:MP 0.1 Beta 1 Test 3 R2 - Client
Description: Client:
- patch supported
-outgame serverbrowser was replaced with a ingame one
-chat now uses CEGUI
-overall improved synchronisation
-partial weapon sync

>>> Go to Download <<<

IV:MP 0.1 Beta 1 Test 3 - Server Linux
:: Downloads ::
:: Multiplayer ::
Author: IV:MP IV:MP 0.1 Beta 1 Test 3 - Server Linux
Description: Server:
-increased limits
-identity system (mac adress, HDD serial)
-callbacks replaced with events
-many new scripting functions

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IV:MP 0.1 Alpha 2 R3 - Server Win32
:: Downloads ::
:: Multiplayer ::
Author: IV:MP IV:MP 0.1 Alpha 2 R3 - Server Win32
Description: IV: Multiplayer

Be warned: This is a Work In Progress version wich does not represent our final release of 0.1 - It's mainly for testing your Scripts and may not be used for public servers.

##### CHANGELOG ...

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IV:MP 0.1 Alpha 2 R3 - Client
:: Downloads ::
:: Multiplayer ::
Author: IV:MP IV:MP 0.1 Alpha 2 R3 - Client
Description: IV: Multiplayer

Be warned: This is a Work In Progress version wich does not represent our final release of 0.1 - It's mainly for testing your Scripts and may not be used for public servers.

##### CHANGELOG ...

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IV:MP 0.1 Alpha 2 R2 - Server Linux
:: Downloads ::
:: Multiplayer ::
Author: IV:MP IV:MP 0.1 Alpha 2 R2 - Server Linux
Description: IV: Multiplayer

Be warned: This is a Work In Progress version wich does not represent our final release of 0.1 - It's mainly for testing your Scripts and may not be used for public servers.

##### CHANGELOG ...

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IV:MP 0.1 Alpha 2 R2 - Server Win32
:: Downloads ::
:: Multiplayer ::
Author: IV:MP IV:MP 0.1 Alpha 2 R2 - Server Win32
Description: IV: Multiplayer

Be warned: This is a Work In Progress version wich does not represent our final release of 0.1 - It's mainly for testing your Scripts and may not be used for public servers.

##### CHANGELOG ...

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IV:MP 0.1 Alpha 2 - Server Win32
:: Downloads ::
:: Multiplayer ::
Author: IV:MP IV:MP 0.1 Alpha 2 - Server Win32
Description: IV: Multiplayer

Be warned: This is a Work In Progress version wich does not represent our final release of 0.1 - It's mainly for testing your Scripts and may not be used for public servers.

##### CHANGELOG ...

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IV:MP 0.1 Alpha 2 - Client
:: Downloads ::
:: Multiplayer ::
Author: IV:MP IV:MP 0.1 Alpha 2 - Client
Description: IV: Multiplayer

Be warned: This is a Work In Progress version wich does not represent our final release of 0.1 - It's mainly for testing your Scripts and may not be used for public servers.

##### CHANGELOG ...

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:: 1 :: 2 ::

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GTA IV: Niko lässt sichs gutgehen :D by HellyLoon
Niko lässt sichs gutgehen :D
by HellyLoon

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